About me
Date of Birth: | 22.04.1984 | |
Club: | SG Oberlichtenau (Heimatverein Handball, Laufgruppe), OSSV Kamenz (Triathlon) | |
Team: | Triathlon.de | |
Profession: | Profi, Kfz-Mechaniker, Abschluss zum Diplombetriebswirt (BA) | |
Trainer: | Thomas Weber |
My sporting development
The first time I got in touch with sports was when I was seven. I started playing handball which I continued until 2009. I have been playing in the 1st men´s team of “SG Oberlichtenau” regularly. In between I tried other sports like gymnastics, table tennis and lifeguard-swimming which I liked more or less.
At the age of 14 my two elder brothers Christian (seven years older) and Patrick (eight years older) motivated me to accompany them in jogging. I well remember their words: ?“Come on fat boy, that´ll be good for you”. This was, of course, enough motivation for me as older brothers always are important in shaping ones interests. We mapped out a route of 5km through the mountains and two months later I already felt a huge difference concerning my fitness and motivation. Promptly my aims have changed and I wanted to win within my age group at our local races (Oberlichtenauer Summer and New Year Eve’s Run). However, I did not take the training too serious rather just for fun as I was very young. But still sports have changed my life since I was little.
When I was 16 my brothers again have made a big impression on me: they bought themselves racing bikes, so I did too. Together we took part at our first triathlon, the so-called “KnappenMan”, but at that time just in the beginners relay team. Since that day we were obsessed with triathlon. One year later distances over 10km became part of my training and at the age of 18 (2002) as well in competition. Straight away I managed the 10km in 36 minutes at the “Dresden Marathon”.?Also the cycling sessions with my brothers were bearing fruit. Furthermore we founded the department “Triathlon” at the “OSSV Kamenz” with Guido Müller. Now a solid foundation has been laid for swimming. Since my time as a lifeguard I was good at breaststroke but never made experiences at free-style. Gradually my swimming got better and I frequently took part in all disciplines own my own now.
By chance I got to know Thomas Weber. Since six years he is writing my workout schedules and has contributed greatly to my sporting development. Thanks him and his buddy Sven Kunath I started thinking about the idea of taking part in a long distance race. No sooner said than done: in the summer of 2006 my brothers and I registered for the Iron Man Frankfurt in 2007. The race went unexpectedly well until no less of the half of the marathon. Firstly, I completed the swimming in an outstanding time of 53 minutes and on the bike it even got better. Before I started the last discipline I already kept the 10th place - surrounded only by professional athletes in the changing area for the bicycles. This fact has strongly motivated me, but interpreted from today´s perspective I´d say slightly too much. I totally neglected the food which got me into difficulties at kilometre 25. After 9:09h I literally “crawled” over the finish line. I missed the qualification for Hawaii as I came in second of my age group, because I was three minutes to slow. But as Patrick and Christian too reached the finish line under the 10 hours mark I can say it has been a fantastic family trip.
2nd place
Ironman Wisconsin USA
3rd place
3rd place
IM 70.3 Otepää Estland
Ironman Louisville USA
2nd place
3rd place
Ironman UK
Ironman 70.3 Zell am See
2nd place
2nd place
2nd place
12th place
3rd place
Ironman 70.3 Staffordshire
Ironman 70.3 Norway
Ironman 70.3 Dublin
Ironman 70.3 World Championship
Ironman Wales
5th place
Ironman 70.3 Budapest
4th place
2nd place
Ironman Wales
Ironman Western Australia

Schloss Triathlon [...]
1st place

Ironman Wales
4th place
5th place
2nd place
6th place
Ironman U.S. Championchip
Ironman 70.3 UK
Ironman 70.3 Antwerpen

Ironman U.S. Championchip
5th place

Ironman 70.3 UK
2nd place

Ironman 70.3 Antwerpen
6th place
5th place
1st place
2nd place
1st place
9th place
3rd place
Ironman Wales - 600 Punkte
Regionalliga Storkow
ITT Ferropolis
Regionalliga Schneeberg
Ironman Cozumel / Mexico - 880 Punkte
DM Duathlon Falkenstein
1st place
2nd place
AK 25 Ironman 70.3 Austria
1st place
Schlosstriathlon Moritzburg Mitteldistanz

Schlosstriathlon [...]
1st place
1st place
1st place
AK 18 Ironman 70.3 Wiesbaden
AK 18 Ironman Lanzarote

AK 18 Ironman [...]
3rd place

AK 18 Ironman Lanzarote
1st place
3rd place
2nd place
AK 18 Ironman 70.3 Wiesbaden
AK 18 Ironman Germany in Frankfurt Vize-Europameister